White Night by Jim Butcher

My main read for May was the next in the Harry Dresden series, White Night (by Jim Butcher, if you’re just joining us). This book šŸ“š is action-packed. There are ghouls left, right, and center; a group of Wiccan practitioners who are being hunted; an appearance of one of Dresden’s exes; Dresden and Tomas continuing the charade of their spicy šŸŒ¶ love affair; fighting ON A BOAT!; exploration of the inner workings of the different Houses of the White Court Vampires; a giant fight with unlikely allies; and possibly my favorite part, foreshadowing that Ramirez, Harry’s young and dashing friend, may just end up with Molly, Harry’s apprentice, which is so freakin’ adorable I literally cannot even. But seriouslyĀ I can’t say enoughĀ how awesome this series is and how sad I will be when it’s over, or I should say, when I catch up to the point that the next book isn’t out yet, eeek!

Side note šŸ“: I’ve been in the habit of making pix for Instagram of book quotes I liked and I was crushed to discover my notes app on my phone ate my pg where I was writing them down šŸ˜« So I might skip it this time, or I might paraphrase. We’ll see. ā™„ļø

Reading Challenges
Here are theĀ reading challengeĀ updates:

Below are the hashtags of the challenges that had them:
#rockmytbr šŸŽø

Thanks for listenin’,


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